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Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for Class 9 with Answers Pdf

Subject-verb agreement is an important grammar concept that students in Class 9 need to master. This concept is particularly important as it helps students to construct grammatically correct sentences with ease. Exercises on subject-verb agreement help students to understand the rules of grammar, apply them in sentences, and avoid common errors.

In this article, we present a set of subject-verb agreement exercises for Class 9 students. These exercises include examples, rules, and answers which will help students to reinforce their knowledge of subject-verb agreement.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct verb form

1. The group of students ___________ going to the museum. (is/are)

2. The birds ___________ singing in the tree. (is/are)

3. One of the students ___________ late for class. (is/are)

4. The entire class ___________ excited for the field trip. (is/are)

5. The news ___________ shocking. (was/were)

Rules: In sentences that have a singular subject, use a singular verb. In sentences with plural subjects, use a plural verb. In sentences that include phrases such as “one of” or “each of,” the verb agrees with the noun closest to the verb.

Answers: 1. is 2. are 3. is 4. is 5. was

Exercise 2: Identify the correct subject-verb agreement

1. The new clothes (was/were) on the shelf.

2. The family (go/goes) on vacation every year.

3. One of the boys (play/plays) the piano well.

4. The group of friends (is/are) going to the park.

5. The collection of books (is/are) at the library.

Rules: Verbs agree with their subject in number and person. For singular subjects, use singular verbs. For plural subjects, use plural verbs.

Answers: 1. were 2. goes 3. plays 4. is 5. is

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement

1. Many of the students are late for class. (singular)

Corrected: One of the students is late for class.

2. The group of boys was playing soccer. (plural)

Corrected: The group of boys were playing soccer.

3. The box of chocolates were on the counter. (singular)

Corrected: The box of chocolates was on the counter.

4. The herd of cows was grazing in the field. (plural)

Corrected: The herd of cows were grazing in the field.

5. The collection of statues was at the museum. (plural)

Corrected: The collection of statues were at the museum.

Rules: In sentences with phrases such as “many of,” “the group of,” or “collection of,” the verb agrees with the noun closest to the verb.

Answers: 1. One of the students is late for class. 2. The group of boys was playing soccer. 3. The box of chocolates was on the counter. 4. The herd of cows was grazing in the field. 5. The collection of statues was at the museum.


Mastering subject-verb agreement rules is a crucial skill that Class 9 students need to learn. These exercises help to reinforce the rules and provide practice in applying them. These exercises with answers can be a useful tool for teachers and students to track progress and identify areas of improvement. With practice and repetition, students can improve their writing and communicate effectively.